English Version

The Office of Research and Development (RD) was established in 2000 with the purpose of enhancing the university's research capabilities. This office provides essential support services to faculty members in their application for and management of research funds. The RD office also formulates guidelines and regulations for providing financial support to teachers' research endeavors, aimed at encouraging their greater engagement in academic research activities.

The primary objectives of the RD Office encompass the creation of medium and long-term development plans for the university. Dedicated to assisting academic units campus-wide in nurturing their distinctive qualities, the RD Office plays a crucial role in cultivating the institution's reputation as an outstanding technological university.

Responsibilities within the Academic Development Division include the implementation and evaluation of research funding initiatives, as well as the strategic planning, execution, and tracking of evaluation tasks.

The Office of Institutional Research is tasked with promoting the advancement of institutional research in alignment with the school's development plan. This entails facilitating the collection, management, and utilization of institutional data, along with the establishment of an institutional database. Additionally, it undertakes the planning and execution of research related to institutional issues while creating a mechanism for feedback and evaluation of the outcomes of institutional research efforts.

The University Social Responsibility Office holds the responsibility of propelling the university's comprehensive social responsibility plan. This includes overseeing fund allocation, execution performance, project progress, and the outcomes of various sub-projects within the plan. Moreover, this office plays a pivotal role in fostering effective communication among the units responsible for executing each project.


The Dean of the office is responsible for planning, executing, and supervising all unit tasks. The office is composed of three subsections: the Academic and Development Office, the Office of Institutional Research, and the University Social Responsibility Office. Each section has one director and one to two staff members.

Contact Us


Office of Research and Development

 TEL:04-2701-6855 ext.1511

Academic Development Division

 TEL:04-2701-6855 ext.1509

Office of Institution Research

 TEL:04-2701-6855 ext.6427

University Social Responsibility Office  TEL:04-2701-6855 ext.6428